Teaching Assistance SOAK 09

Class of Ines Doujak

"Photography - she lies like an eye witness. Recollecting and history"

20 July – 8 August
Alte Saline Hallein, 3 weeks

Johanna Diehl and me are currently doing a teaching assistance at this summer academy in Austria. Besides an intense process of a collaborative image in the class of 19 Students we are having an awesome time with the wonderful people gathering around this place. 
This is my first time assisting whereas I took marvellous summer courses of Katharina Sieverding and Valie Export as a student here before. 

Course programme

Every (documentary) photograph appears to prove: this is how it was. As producers and viewers, we become part of a reality from which we are fortunate enough to be shielded – being at once inside and outside, present and absent. We take as our field of activity this dialectical relationship inherent in the medium of photography, between the actuality of our experience and the absence of the references. Since memories are always inseparably associated with changes, we want to think about constructions of realities. 
Starting from the present, we will invent past events – different stories, different interpretations – in order to provide an eventful past with a "de-ranged" future and to offer resistance to the present.
We will start by working out our ideas and how to render them pictorially. The second week will be devoted to presentation and execution, with special attention to forms of display. Here the boundaries with other media, such as performance, sculpture and painting, will be explored. Finally, we will concentrate on designing the final exhibition, deciding on how the individual narrations can be combined in a dialogical and meaningful relationship; we will also produce our own publication. 
Instruction will be offered in photographic techniques. Students should bring their own ideas, cameras and all the materials they wish to use.

Katharina Gruzei, Johanna Diehl

German, English, Spanish, Italian

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